My February hobby output.
A real mixture of hobby activity this month. First up, a painted MDF kit from Warcradle. This is their newly released 'Augusta - Factory' kit and as the pictures show, you get a factory building, some railroad tracks and some railroad wagons. Next up, some miniatures from The Wargames Emporium. These are miniatures from their 'Pineapple Tribe' range. The Shaman Blowpipe Warriors Spearmen Here we have a Games Workshop Skaven 'Screaming Bell' dating from the 1990s (I believe). I bought this kit off eBay, many, many years ago. It wasn't until I started putting it together that I realized that I was missing two wheels. Still, I do not think it looks too bad! Here it is supporting my Skaven/Ratmen war band for Dragon Rampant. Printed off a flag for my Dwarf Standard Bearer. Only taken 30 years to add one!