Coronavirus hobby activity

Given that we're (UK) now in 3 weeks of home social distancing. Despite working from home and being busier than ever, there is still more time for hobby work.

Week One

So here is my painting from my first week of isolation.

First up some Freedom Fighters from Blind Beggar Miniatures. Eventually these will appear in my Star Wars campaign set after Return of the Jedi (ROTJ) but before The Mandalorian.

Next up is some PSI Paladins from Alternative Armies. These will be used as Force users for my Star Wars campaign. They will be coming out of hiding now that Empire is in retreat.

The droid is from Combatzone scenery.

Now for something more fantasy based. I took part in a couple of Kickstarters at the end of the year. The first one was 'The Feral Lands' by Westphalia Publishing. Although designed as 'Wood Elves' for fantasy gaming, these will be used in some sci-fi games as natives.

Next up is Waylaid by Bandits Volume 2 by Midlam Miniatures. This time it's a group of eleven 28 mm female bandits, thugs and ruffians. These go hand in hand with the male figures released last year. These will appear in my fantasy games such as Frostgrave and Rangers of the Shadow Deep.

The Ranger figure in the last photo is from Westphalia Publishing and came as part of their Kickstarter shipment.

In addition to these figures, I also managed to paint up 34 zombie figures (didn't take any pictures though). Only leaves another 90 to paint up 😢.

Week 2

So, what have I done during the second week of social distancing? Focus for the past week has very much on getting through my miniatures for my planned Star Wars campaign.

First up, a couple of figures from the Rogue Stars range by Copplestone Castings. These will be a Leader and Specialist for a Galactic Heroes smuggler crew.

Next up, are some more PSI Paladins from Alternative Armies. The first one has been painted up as a pseudo Luke Skywalker type. The second one originally was supposed to have two lightsabres. However, the two arms that arrived were both the same. So raiding my bits box, I found a spare hand and blaster. Despite what Obi Wan says about blasters, they can be useful.

Lastly, we have a figure painted up as dark side Force user. He will be leading my Imperial forces.

Painted some more Combatzone droids too. First up, a couple of BB units. BB9-E for the First Order and BB8 for The Resistance. They were followed by what I'm calling a Jedi Training Droid. Then we have an assortment of droids.

This is another Rogue Stars figure. She's going to be used as a specialist in my Imperial team. Her armour is very similar to standard Stormtrooper armour whilst being different enough to highlight her as a unique character.

Last up for this update, some civilians from a variety of sources.

Week Three

So, just completed the third week of lockdown. What did I get painted this week then? Like the past two weeks, it has been a mix of genres - driven mainly by what I am finding in my painting box.

First up, Missy from Doctor Who. Simple paint job for this figure from Warlord Games.

Next is a group of mixed alien creatures from a Kickstarter.

 More droids from Combatzone. R2 inspired design with tracks.

Alien figures. The two standing are from Alternative Armies. The one sat down is from a Kickstarter.

My personal favourite from my painting this week. A robot nanny and a robot pram. The pram will get used in my planned Star Wars game.

Next up, some Terminator robots from Copplestone Casting. These will be used as New Republic security droids (inspiration from The Mandalorian).

Painted these up for a friend. Some characters from the Star Wars Rebels TV show. These are Imperial Assault figures.

The last of the sci-fi related figures is these from the Copplestone 'Rogue Stars' range. These are going to be Bounty Hunters, Hired Guns in my Star Wars game.

I found these figures in a plastic tub. They had numerous broken weapons. I don't remember buying them, so cannot recall why I bought them. Given the state of them, it may have been an impulse buy at a show bring & buy.

Anyway they've had a lick of paint will appear in a game of Frostgrave at some point.

Finally, there is this character. Think he was a freebie to an order I made. Again, he's coming to a Frostgrave game eventually.

In addition to the above, I managed to complete another 30+ plastic zombies (no picture). Only leaves me with another 50 or so to go. 😢

Also, I managed to construct three building kits from 4ground, so all in all, a very productive week on the hobby front.

Week 4

No painting this week. Been more focussed on playing some solo games.

Week 5

After a lull last week, it was back to painting in the latest week of lockdown. This time it was back to fantasy and painting up some models from the GW Mortal Realms magazine. The first three magazines came with a variety of models including Castigators & Sequitors. Now these models are huge when compared with my other fantasy model figures. So the question arose, what to do with them?

Inspired by a comment on the Lead Adventure Forum, I painted them up as Bronze statues.

Lastly I made a start on the Chain Rasps that came with Mortal Realms issue 1. You can never have too many ghosts for fantasy gaming!

Week 6
OK, week 6 is over. What did I paint?

First up, painted some 28 mm tents. These will appear in my zombie solo games, but can be used for other modern themed games.

Next up, is a Kriegsmarine squad. An impulse buy caused by watching 'The Land That Time Forgot'

Next, some Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees from the Mortal Realms magazine.

Not sure where this figure came from. It appears to be some sort of druid (judging by the sickles).

Lastly, I found some WW2 US and German crew figures. These are designed to be placed in vehicles. Again, not sure of the manufacturer, but I've had them a long time!

Week 7

Hit a bit of a slump regarding painting this week. Managed to get some solo gaming in though,

Week 8

No painting or gaming this week. Although I did put together 30+ plastic figures and primed them for painting.


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