
Showing posts from March, 2022

Spearhead from Space Part 1

Inspired by Forces TV replaying old episodes of Doctor Who, I dug out some figures and created some crews to recreate a game inspired by the 3rd Doctors era. The premise was simple, a crystal containing a fragment of the Nestene Consciousness had landed in the vicinity of an old farm. Both UNIT and the Autons knew the rough whereabouts of the crystal and sought to acquire it. Possible locations for the crystal were represented by a green token. The token would require a hard task search for any non-alien and an easy task search for any alien. An Auton inflicts a wound on Captain Yates. The first turn was spent moving around the board. Autons come under fire from UNIT. With the opposing crews coming within sight of each other, shots were exchanged. UNIT troops inflicting some early wounds. The Brigadier discovered the missing crystal. This alerted the Autons, and they headed in his general direction. The Brigadier raced out of the farm bui