
Showing posts from August, 2019

Knight and Contrast Paints.

I'm not sure where I acquired this figure, but I think it's a Dark Elf of some sort from Games Workshop. I used a simple coat of Space Wolves Grey and other Contrast paints for the sash and plume. Took me about 15 minutes to paint. Will be appearing in a frozen city soon!

Tankette painted with Contrast Paints

I tried the Contrast Paints with a resin model. This is model that I picked up off eBay a while ago. Undercoated with Halfords Grey primer and then simply painted with Basilicanum Grey. Looks suitably grimy for whatever army it ends up in.

Frostgrave figures and Contrast Paints

I really like the new Contrast Paints from Games Workshop and have been trying them on a number of different figures. Here we have some Frostgrave soldiers. 95% of the paint used is Contrast Paints with the remaining 5% being various metallic paints. "Where's the treasure?" The paints jobs may not be perfect, but it allows me to paint figures quickly and not too far off my usual standard.

Doctor Who and the Contrast Paints

I've been trying out the new Games Workshop contrast paints on a variety of figures. Here, I've been painting the figures contained within the GF9 board game "Time of the Daleks". These are 90% painted with the contrast paints. The 1st Doctor The 4th Doctor The 9th Doctor The 10th Doctor The 11th Doctor The 12th Doctor A Dalek

Alexandrians vs Saviours using Tales of Horror

The last couple of blog entries have seen us using the Tales of Horror expansion for Galactic Heroes. One of the teams we set up for Tales of Horror was a Necromancer team which featured zombies. Through a combination of tactics and good dice rolling, the zombies have proved to be good opponents. We then got around to thinking about using zombies as a random uncontrolled force. So we knocked up these rules for zombies. Zombies Soulless: You never take Shaken results. Anyone targeting you with a Shoot action gets a +1 to their roll. Slow: -1” to movement Actions. Wounds knock them down and can only be killed by ‘Out of Action’ results on the Wound chart. Every shot or loud noise will generate a zombie(s). They will appear 1d8 away from the source of the noise and placed the direction the dice is pointing. Roll d10. On a “6-10”, two zombies appear. On a “2-5”, one zombie appears. If a “1” is rolled, no zombie appears. At the start of the game (before each player has