Alexandrians vs Saviours using Tales of Horror

The last couple of blog entries have seen us using the Tales of Horror expansion for Galactic Heroes. One of the teams we set up for Tales of Horror was a Necromancer team which featured zombies. Through a combination of tactics and good dice rolling, the zombies have proved to be good opponents.

We then got around to thinking about using zombies as a random uncontrolled force. So we knocked up these rules for zombies.


  • Soulless: You never take Shaken results. Anyone targeting you with a Shoot action gets a +1 to their roll.
  • Slow: -1” to movement Actions.
  • Wounds knock them down and can only be killed by ‘Out of Action’ results on the Wound chart.
  • Every shot or loud noise will generate a zombie(s). They will appear 1d8 away from the source of the noise and placed the direction the dice is pointing.
    • Roll d10.
      • On a “6-10”, two zombies appear.
      • On a “2-5”, one zombie appears.
      • If a “1” is rolled, no zombie appears.
  • At the start of the game (before each player has activated), roll 1d10. This is the total number of zombies starting in this area. For each zombie, roll a d12 and measure from the centre of the table. The direction the dice is pointing in and number is the number of inches the zombie needs to be placed
  • Zombies will move in a random direction unless they can see a figure or hear a loud noise, in which case they will move towards the figure or noise.
  • Zombies will be created the first time you enter a room/building. Roll a d8 for the number of zombies.
  • Any figure ‘Out of Action’ has the potential to be a meal for a Zombie. Any zombie encountering a ‘Out of Action’ figure rolls a d8.
    • On a “5-8” they ignore the figure.
    • On a “1-4” they stop and ‘eat’.
  • Repeat this roll for any feasting zombie until it ignores the figure. Once eaten, the figure can be removed.
  • Zombies move after everyone else.
For a trial run of the rules, we sought to replicate a conflict as seen in The Walking Dead TV series.
On one side would be The Savior's led by Negan and accompanied by four Savior's. On the other side would be The Alexandrians led by Rick with Daryl (Specialist), Carol, Morgan and Maggie (all Regulars).

Both sides would be undertaking a supply run, with a number of randomly placed supply crates strewn across the table.

The Alexandrians got off to a good start with Daryl using his trusty crossbow to take out a nearby zombie.

However, success was short-lived as Morgan tried to take down two zombies with his trusty staff. Unfortunately, bad dice rolling meant Morgan was 'Out of Action' and potential zombie food!

"They might not seem like much one at a time, but when they're in a group all riled up and hungry, man, you watch your ass!"

Negan and The Saviours moved out, heading to the nearest supply crates. A wandering zombie showing interest in Negan. However, Lucille saved the day.

"This is Lucille, and she is awesome!"

Rick and Carol approached the nearest supply crate. Unfortunately, the next cards played were by The Savior's, with one of them being just in range of Rick. A hit was rolled and a 10 scored on the wound chart. Ordinarily, Rick would be 'Out of Action' but he had '9 Lives' which meant he suffered a wound.

"I am not dying until I am damn good and ready"

On the other side of the table, the remaining Savior's got in to trouble with a growing hoard of zombies. Eventually one of The Savior's was overcome by zombies!

"Are you OK down there?"

Rick successfully made his recovery roll and Carol fired at the approaching Savior's - missing Negan but hitting and wounding the other Savior.

"I will shut that sh*t down, no exceptions!"

The next turn, Negan was activated with a King. Without hesitation, Negan charged Rick. With the 'Master', 'Lucky' and  'Flurry of Blows' attributes, Negan was able to take down Rick - who was in danger of becoming zombie food!

"Lucille is thirsty. She is a vampire bat!"

Having seen what has just happened to Rick, Carol fired at Negan. Unfortunately, rolling a one to become out of ammo. Carol then drew her knife and charged Negan. A close dice roll meant she suffered a just shock token.

"You got some beach-ball-sized lady nuts coming in kamikaze like that"

Next turn, Negan managed to knock down Carol and with his remaining turn moved to a supply crate. Eventually, Negan would get the supply crate of the table. Meanwhile, a marauding zombie decided Rick would make a good meal.

"I wear a leather jacket, I have Lucille, and my nutsack is made of steel"

Elsewhere, Daryl had managed to locate a supply crate and closely guarded it - unable to leave the table due to 'Loyal'.

Maggie had been left on her own. She headed for cluster of crates on the street. However, she started to get a little trigger-happy, with her successful hits spawning new zombies.

"Sit down or I'll put you down"

Eventually Maggie got overwhelmed by zombies in close combat.

Down and out!

Overall, a good little game with The Savior's getting three supply crates of the table to The Alexandrians one. The Savior's did suffer two casualties, with only Daryl and Carol surviving for The Alexandrians.

The zombie mechanics worked well for the most part, and we look forward to using them again in the future.


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