We're all going on a Tribble hunt!
Inspired by the 'Attack Tribble' that appeared in an episode of Star Trek: Picard, I found some suitable miniatures that would lend themselves to gaming. The Attack Tribble from Star Trek: Picard I purchased these Triblite sculpts (designed by Lost Heresy) from a TwistedPinnacle3D on Etsy . The sculpts needed a little TLC upon arrival, as a few of the Triblites were misprinted. Also, some of the base rims had broken and neded repairing. Triblite Queen and Swarms protect their nest. More Triblite Swarms. I managed to create some Xenos Rampant stats for my Klingons and Triblites and had a quick game with them both. Klingons attack the Queen. Triblite Swarms charge some Klingons. Klingons find themselves surrounded by Triblites.