Random Encounters for ZombieRV (and other zombie games)
I’ve created a list of random encounters to add an extra layer of intrigue to games of ZombieRV. With a little tweaking, these encounters can easily be adapted for other zombie-themed games. To use them, roll 2d6 at the start of each turn. The first die determines the section, while the second die selects the specific entry within that section. 1 1 A barking dog runs up to a random character pursued by 1d6 Zombies 12” behind it. The dog runs off next turn. 2 One random character has packed the wrong ammo for their Shoot weapon. They only have 1 shot left with it. 3 The primary weapon of a random character suddenly falls apart and is now useless. 4 A random vehicle has its car alarm go off. Generates 6 noise tokens. Stops at the end of the turn. 5 A massive storm rolls in, reducing visibility and making ranged attacks impossible during this turn....