Hardwired - The Seraph Protocol Mission
I recently took delivery of the Hardwired set of rules. Hardwired is set in the fictional and futuristic mega-city of New Kowloon. The vibe for Hardwired is very much one of Cyberpunk. The way Hardwired works is that you have a team of agents working towards achieving a goal. The game can be played standalone or cooperatively. Agents have three actions per turn and have a die pool of a d6, a d8 and a d10. Wants different with Hardwired is that you need to pick a die type in which to activate your actions. Success is a 4+ on any dice type, So do you start with your d10 or your d6? Working against your agents are Hostile Security (H-SEC). These come at your agents in waves of steadily increasing in quality. H-SEC forces are classed by their dice type - d6, d8 or d10. d6 H-SEC being the lowest of the low with one action. Next level up is your d8 H-SEC with two actions and finally you get to the d10 H-SEC with three actions. H-SEC spawn randomly at various points on the table. This wa...