Hardwired - The Seraph Protocol Mission

I recently took delivery of the Hardwired set of rules. Hardwired is set in the fictional and futuristic mega-city of New Kowloon. The vibe for Hardwired is very much one of Cyberpunk.

The way Hardwired works is that you have a team of agents working towards achieving a goal. The game can be played standalone or cooperatively. Agents have three actions per turn and have a die pool of a d6, a d8 and a d10. Wants different with Hardwired is that you need to pick a die type in which to activate your actions. Success is a 4+ on any dice type, So do you start with your d10 or your d6?

Working against your agents are Hostile Security (H-SEC). These come at your agents in waves of steadily increasing in quality. H-SEC forces are classed by their dice type - d6, d8 or d10. d6 H-SEC being the lowest of the low with one action. Next level up is your d8 H-SEC with two actions and finally you get to the d10 H-SEC with three actions. H-SEC spawn randomly at various points on the table.

 This was our first play of Hardwired, and we tried the introductory scenario in the rulebook.

Part of New Kowloon
Street Punks - d6 H-SEC
Corporate Goons - d8 H-SEC
Corporate Security - d10 H-SEC
The Objective (Asset between two guards)
This scenario has a maximum turn limit of six turns and our objective was to 1) Eliminate the guards, 2) Deactivate the brain implant in the asset and 3) Escort the asset of the table.

Our team of agents comprised of the following types a Ronin, Razor, Splicer and Sawbones (more on this later).
Turn 1

The Ronin (Ranged Combat Specialist) and the Razor (Close Combat Specialist) were the first to activate. The Ronin successfully advanced and took out the guards in two actions. The Razor moved and headed towards the Asset.

The Splicer (Cyber Specialist) activated and proceeded to remotely deactivate the brain implant in the asset. The Sawbones (Support Specialist) then used all his actions to close in on (and control) the asset.

At the end of the turn, the first d6 H-SEC were deployed. Unfortunately, both groups deployed very close to the agents exit point.

Turn 2

With the asset in their possession, the agents proceeded to head to the exit point. The Razor and the Ronin took potshots at the H-SEC but to no effect.
More H-SEC deployed near the exit point.

Turn 3

The Sawbones and the Asset crept around the buildings. Staying unseen as they saw the group of H-SEC blocking the escape route.
The Splicer decided to spend her actions taking shots at the hiding H-SEC, Three shots fired, one hit and two misses recorded. Unfortunately, the Splicer was left exposed in the middle of the street.

The H-SEC fired at the Splicer inflicting one hit on her. Now d8 H-SEC started to arrive on the table.

Turn 4
Seeing the d6 H-SEC nicely bunched up, the Ronin charged forward and tossed a micro grenade into the group. A successful throw left two H-SEC standing and these two survivors were subsequently dispatched by the Razor.
The remaining H-SEC pursued the Splicer down the street.

Turn 5
The Sawbones managed to get the Asset off the table. All objectives had been achieved and now it was time to get the rest of the agents off the table. The Ronin managed to exit the table.

Both suffering from wounds, the Splicer and the Razor headed towards the exit point. It was time for the d10 H-SEC to deploy and a pair of them moved to block the exit point.
Turn 6
With the Splicer and Razor left on the table, the Razor made use of her bonuses to take out the two d10 H-SEC. This enabled both agents to exit successfully.

All in all a quick and fun game. From start to finish took just over an hour and by the end of the game we were rarely looking at the rulebook. Initially, we were concerned this game would be over too quickly when we achieved two out of three objectives in the first turn. However, the escalating opposing forces cranked up the tension. The six turn limit forces you to get going from the start. One comment that resonated was that this 'felt like a movie'.

We're already planning the next game and looking to make more use of the various agent skills.


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