
Showing posts from June, 2024

Starfleet Casualties.

Various wounded (or dead) Starfleet officers and crew. Also, there's a couple of figures where Klingons are assaulting some Starfleet crewmembers. Figures designed by RavenX and printed by The Lazy Gamer. Figures are wearing 'The Wrath of Khan' era uniforms.

Starfleet Security

Starfleet Security is the branch of the Federation Starfleet responsible for security aboard all Federation starships and at all Federation starbases and outposts. In addition, Starfleet Security is responsible for providing security at all Federation government facilities. Starfleet Security was also the armed special forces of the fleet.  Figures designed by RavenX and printed by The Lazy Gamer. Figures are wearing 'The Wrath of Khan' era uniforms.

This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us - A Fistful of Lead game.

Another scenario from 'For a Fistful More: Scenarios for Fistful of Lead' scenario book. This time, two gangs decide to have a 'High Noon' style shoot out in the street. Again, we used Marshal Bill and his posse against Ricardo and the 'Bad Hombres'. The game starts with the gang leaders in the middle of the street, 12" apart. Their respective gangs were then placed behind them. This scenario has a different starting sequence. 3 cards are drawn for the gang leaders only, who then have to plan the order in which the cards will be used. The cards are played 1 per turn for the 3 turns, then it's the normal card sequence from turn 4 onwards. The game is over once one side has been eliminated or withdrawn. Turn 1 Both Marshal Bill and Ricardo fired their trusty pistols at each other. Being at long range for a pistol, they both missed each other. 'High Noon' The two gangs watch what is happening in the street. Turn 2 Ricardo went first and this time a

Enforcement Droids

Billed as "Enforcement Droids", these are very good proxies of the Imperial Probe Droid seen in the film "The Empire Strikes Back". Specially designed for deep space exploration and reconnaissance. Somewhat arachnid in shape, with a dark metal finish, bulbous sensor "eyes" and spindly manipulator arms. The pack contains three versions, each with differing sensors and probes. The pack was purchased on Etsy from Peak Models. The only change I made to the pack was to use different bases and clear acrylic flight stands.

Alien Desert Traders

Some more 3d printed figures. This time, some "Alien Desert Traders" from HeadBunnygames on Etsy. The prints are somewhat cruder than other 3d figures I have bought. That said the rough finish lends itself to using Contrast/Speed paints. However, given that they cost £6.10 for the set, they are good value for money.


Another figure produced by L72 Metal Miniatures. This time a 4 armed version of the Star Wars Bounty Hunter - 4-LOM

An assortment of Jedi Knights.

With the new Star Wars TV series 'The Acolyte' about to be broadcast, I took the opportunity to paint up some 'not' Jedi figures. These are produced by L72 Metal Miniatures . Got to say the service and figures from L72 was fantastic. First up, this Jedi has the head of Blowfish and is inspired by the Blowfish alien that has appeared in the Dr Who spin-off - Torchwood. I think the design looks at home in the Star Wars universe.  Next up, is a Jedi based on a certain Extra-Terrestrial from a 1980s film. In fact, E.T. is an Asogian and they appeared in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace in the Galactic Senate of the Republic. They were inserted into that movie to make good on a promise - after Steven Spielberg included a Yoda cameo and Star Wars toys in E.T., George Lucas promised to include an E.T. cameo in the next Star Wars film he made. So, they're officially Star Wars canon. Lastly, we have a Jedi based on a Disney alien. Stitch, also known as Experiment 626,