
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Fabled Treasure of Possum Gus - A Fistful of Lead game.

This is another scenario from ' For a Fistful More: Scenarios for Fistful of Lead' . In this adventure, two rival gangs are on the hunt for the legendary treasure of the notorious bank robber, Possum Gus Guthrie. The loot is hidden in a rugged, hilly area and scattered across multiple burial spots. Both gangs must search the terrain for clues to locate it. To complicate matters, the treasure lies in the heart of sacred Native American hunting grounds, and the locals are far from pleased with these trespassers. Their goal: drive the intruders out. Turn 1 Both sides advanced, with the large hill in the center obstructing their line of sight. As a result, gunfire was limited. Turn 2 Starting from the second turn, an unfriendly native enters the table each round. We used a D4 to randomly determine where they’d appear. Unfortunately for me, the native showed up right behind my gang, allowing my opponent to take control. Without hesitation, the native charged

The Quar

The Quar are a race native to the harsh, mountainous world of Alwyd, where they've been engaged in intermittent warfare for millennia, according to their game lore. Originally produced as metal figures, the Quar have since been re-released in plastic by Wargames Atlantic. Not wanting an entire box, I bought just enough sprues from eBay to assemble a squad for "A Fistful of Lead". I opted for a straightforward design, with khaki uniforms paired with green webbing and gear. This squad will definitely make an appearance in an upcoming sci-fi game!