A warband and campaign for Frostgrave Perilous Dark
Recently, a new supplement was released that provided sole rules for playing Frostgrave. With this release I used this as an opportunity to create a new warband for Frostgrave. Ever since I started playing Frostgrave, I've wanted to use a Lord of the Rings inspired warband, so with Perilous Dark I've done just that. First up, my Wizard and Apprentice. Wizard : Gandwarf the Grey School: Elementalist M F S A W H Level:1 Experience: 6 +2 +0 10 +4 14 Current Health: Items (max 5): Sword Notes: Dwarf Apprentice: Roryn the Not so Grey School: Elementalist M F S A W H Level: 1 Experience: 6 0 -2 10 +2 10 Current Health: Items (max 4): Staff Notes: -2 penalty to cast Gandwarf and Roryn Now the Fellowship of the Ring didn't have a...