Mission 5 - Scout

Fresh from their success in the previous mission, the pact moved on with the next part of their quest.

For this mission, our hunters have been promoted to the next level - Journeymen. This meant the enemies would be harder to fight. This time, the pact would be facing skeleton warriors (d8) and wraiths (d10).

For this adventure, our pact were joined by the following

  • 4 d10 Ranged Fighters,
  • 2 d8 Melee Fighters,
  • 1 d6 Melee Fighter.

The aim of this mission was to scout the four corners of the playing area.

Turn 1

This turn was spent maximizing movement to get across the table as quickly as possible to scout the four corners.

Gandwarf the Wizard led the way, only to draw the attention of some recently arrived skeleton warriors.

Turn 2

Freddo the Halfling achieved the first success for the pact by successfully searching a corner. Legolan and Gandwarf headed the furthest corners. Both were flanked by Gimme the Dwarf and the melee fighters.

The Ranged Fighters took up position on a hill and provided support by destroying some skeleton warriors.
Turn 3

Legolan managed to successfully search a corner. This left two corners left to search. However, Gandwarf was finding it hard to progress with successive enemies deploying near him.
The various melee fighters tried their best, but they started to fall due to the number of enemies. Even Gimme suffered a wound fighting some wraiths.
Turn 4

Things started to turn to the worse. The skeleton warriors managed to clear the hill of ranged fighters. Elsewhere, Gandwarf was bogged down fighting skeleton warriors. Freddo managed to search a corner, leaving only one corner left for the pact to search.
Turn 5
Restored back to full health, Gimme tried his best to protect Gandwarf. Unfortunately, the dwarf wizard kept attracting the attention of the enemy, who were very successful in stopping him heading towards the last remaining corner.
Turn 6

Gandwarf headed towards the last remaining corner. However, recently deployed wraiths again headed straight towards him to impede his progress.
With most of the hirelings despatched, the enemy could now focus on the hunters.

At the end of Turn 6 we called it a day. None of the hunters could get to the last corner to search it. Given the number of enemies deployed, we just cut our losses, and those losses were big. Of the supporting hirelings, we only had one ranged fighter left. So, the pact withdrew with their collective tails between their legs!
Gandwarf managed to cast 5 spells and eliminated 7 skeleton warriors and 4 wraiths.  Freddo the Halfling successfully threw 4 grenadoes and eliminated 4 wraiths as well. Despite all his effort, Gimme only managed to kill 2 skeleton warriors and 1 wraith. Legolan only killed 1 wraith. The rest of the casualties were inflicted by the hirelings.

So, this mission was failed. The pact would need to complete a different mission before attempting this one again. This mission goes to show that Nightwatch can be a very unforgiving set of rules.


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