Revisiting Nightwatch

I recently painted up some 3D printed figures based on the characters from the classic 1980s cartoon 'Dungeons and Dragons'.

The figures proved popular and I was whether we could game with them. So, I shelved our planned game and dug out the 'Nightwatch' rules and set-up a game.

Rolling for our mission type, I rolled a 'Scout' mission. This meant our pact would have to successfully search the four corners of the playing area to win. The enemy would be D6 Trolls and D8 Giant Rats.

To keep the game simple, we just ran 4 heroes:
  • Hank the Ranger (Tracker)
  • Bobby the Barbarian (Blades)
  • Presto the Wizard (Mancer)
  • Sheila the Thief (Alchemist)

Turn 1

Our four heroes split up and each rushed to a different corner table.

Trolls chase down Hank

Turn 2

Both Bobby and Presto used their free moves to move to their respective target corners. There, they eventually succeeded in searching the corners and completing their objectives.

Unfortunately, bad dice rolls meant that Sheila was exposed to three potential spawning sites.

Sheila is caught in the open.

Turn 3

Hank managed to search his respective corner and that left just one corner left to search.

Both Bobby and Presto headed towards the one remaining unsearched corner.

Sheila found her way blocked by some previously spawned Trolls. Armed with some Explosive Grenadoes, she eventually eliminated the enemy.

Unfortunately for Bobby, some Trolls spawned within moving distance of him and he found himself in a melee.

Trolls attack Bobby

Turn 4

Bobby managed to use his 'Sweep' ability to eliminate the trolls attacking and used his remaining actions to get to the final corner. Unfortunately, he was out of actions and couldn't complete the search.

Spying Trolls bearing down on Hank, Sheila deftly threw some more grenadoes and eliminated them.

This cleared the way for Hank, who used all his actions to get to the remaining corner.

However, the dice were unfriendly and more Trolls spawned near Sheila.

Sheila attracts unwanted attention

Turn 5

With both Bobby and Hank in the final corner, the game was seemingly won. However, both lads failed their respective search actions.

Sheila used her 'Endless Flash Powder' to escape the trolls and moved to the corner; here she used her last action to successfully search the corner and win the game for the pact.

Sheila gets away with it!


An engaging game that reminded us how much fun 'Nightwatch' can be. As a result, we're now planning a mini campaign using these figures.


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