Galactic Heroes - Star Wars. Another Forest Moon!!!

To help christen some new 4ground Star Wars inspired terrain, we had a game of Galactic Heroes. Taking inspiration from 'The Return of the Jedi', we set-up an Ewok village and some Imperial buildings.

Looking towards the Imperial Bunker.

The view from the Bunker end.

The Imperials and the Rebels were given different missions. For the Imperials, they were to capture or kill as many of the Rebels as possible. For the Rebels, it was a case of getting the two missing droids back to the Rebel camp.

The Imperials advance.

The Imperial plan was to keep their troops on the ground and intercept the Rebels after they found their missing droids.

General Solo finds R2D2.

Splitting their forces, Imperial Stormtroopers advanced through the Ewok village and across the forest floor. Accurate fire from Chewbacca forced the Imperials to find cover.

Ewoks and Rebels locate C3-PO.

Stormtroopers spy the Rebels and open fire!

An Imperial Officer leads the way (not for long!).
Stormtroopers advance.

The Rebels pour fire down on the advancing Stormtroopers.

The Rebels prepare to make a last stand.
Even the great Chewbacca is taken down!

The Rebels managed to get R2-D2 and C3-PO off the table. However, the Imperial forces managed to capture Chewbacca and the Rebel Commandos. Only Han Solo and various Ewoks escaped for the Rebels.


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