The Beast in the Woods - A Tales of Horror AAR

Smarting from the defeat in Chester Falls, Dr Ebenezer Hill had received word that the Necromancer Grilam was undertaking a secret ritual at the old Montgomery estate.

Determined to stop Grilam, Dr Hill mustered his militia men and set off to investigate.

"Onward Christian Soldiers!"

Although a Necromancer, Grilam sought to summon a being from the outer dark. Summoning should be limited to Cults, so we made it a hard task for Grilam to complete.

"Double, double toil and trouble"

Sensing the approaching hunter group, the Undead shifted their gaze to the oncoming foe.

However, the ghosts of the Montgomery sisters are not happy with the actions taking place on their old estate. The rules of the scenario had 3 ghosts moving in a random direction at the end of each turn. If they ended up in close proximity to a character, then that character suffered a 'shock' token - unless they were undead!

Who you gonna call?

The Hunter group deployed in a line in front of the old ruins. Spying the advancing zombies, they took aim and fired. Unfortunately, the zombies were very hard to put down and shrugged off any hits.

With musket fire proving ineffectual against the zombies, the militia decided the time had come to advance and engage in hand to hand combat.

The angry ghosts continued to float around, drawn by the sound of musket fire. More than one militia man suffering a shock token as a result.


Uh oh!

One plucky militia man found himself in the middle of a melee with 4 zombies. Unfortunately, he could not find a way to kill the zombies.

Will you just die?

Wandering ghosts and seemingly indestructible zombies began to take their toll on the militia men and they slowly succumbed.

I'm all shook up!

Dr Hill had managed to navigate his way up on to the hill to thwart the ritual. Unfortunately, he got there too late. Grilam had successfully completed the ritual. Whatever had been summoned would appear the next turn.

The Epic Climax

It became a game of 'Hide & Seek' for the remaining militia men as they attempted to hide from the zombies.

"They're behind you!"

The three ghosts continued to float around the battlefield, unfortunately for the Hunter group, zombies aren't effected by ghosts and just ignored them.

I ain't afraid of no ghost!

It's here!!!

As the summoning had been successfully completed the previous turn, a vile beast from the outer dark appeared. Free from the summoning ritual, Grilam turned his gaze upon Dr Hill. The poor Dr failing to survive a 'Death bolt'.

Down and out!

Elsewhere, the last remaining militia man found himself out of ammunition and outnumbered. He therefore embarked on a tactical retreat.



This was a massive win for the Necromancer team, who achieved a total of 9 RP in the game. Only 1 hunter made it off the table. For the Hunter team, they claimed 1 RP, only managing to 'kill' 1 zombie.

Zombies when played right are a formidable foe in this game. They were helped by the plentiful cover and (being honest) some terrible dice rolls. When the zombies were successfully hit, the all elusive 'Out of Fight' was never achieved.

Next up will be the 'Settling Scores' scenario, where hopefully the Hunter group will be looking to do a lot better.


  1. Wounds can take Zombies out too.

  2. Sorry, I mean, slow them down. But yes, they can be a pain.

  3. Phew!!! For a moment there, I'd thought I'd been playing the zombies all wrong.
    Plenty of wounds were inflicted and knocked the zombies down. It was that all important kill shot that was missing.

  4. If you find them too hard, you can make them like true henchmen and have them go Out of Action on a wound. When we do the Annual Revenant Hunt on Halloween, that's how we do it.


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