The Hellblazer - John Constantine for Tales of Horror

John Constantine, The Hellblazer

John Constantine
Shoot: d12
Close Combat: d12
Leader: They give a +1 to the die roll to any model attempting to make a roll to recover from being Shaken or Wounded. The model must be within 12” and within line of sight (not blocked by terrain) of the Leader to give this “encouragement”. A natural roll of “1” still causes model to rout when attempting to become Unshaken, and expire from their wounds if rolling to get up from a wound.
Veteran: You use a d12 for all rolls.
Fearless: You ignore Fearful Presence, and ignore the penalty for multiple Shock markers. For example, if you had 3 Shock markers, your Recovery roll would still only be at a -1.
Occult Expert: +1 to hit in both Shooting and Close Combat, gain any +1 on any tasks related to the Occult.
Lightning fast: If you are the target of a successful shoot action, immediately make a hard task roll (8+). If successful, the shooter misses.

Drunkard: You start the game with one Wound already (with all the minuses associated). You can “heal” during the game as usual with a Queen of Hearts.
Arrow of Phasing – Short range of 9” and a long range 18”. If hit, the target rolls with +2 to the wound table. Ignores cover.
Dark Portal – Spell is a success on a +5 (range 12”). Target is transported d10” + 5” in a random direction (stopping at table edges). If the roll is 8+, the caster chooses the direction. Target automatically receives a Shock marker and if they end up in an obstacle, they must roll on the wound table.
Vortex of Terror – Range 12” and uses 3” blast template. Enemies within 6” and under the template are hit on a 5+. Enemies within 12” and under the template are hit on a 8+. Roll to wound as normal.


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