Galactic Heroes - An Empire crew for the battle of Endor

Played a scenario from Galactic Heroes (which recreates the fight on Endor from Return of the Jedi) last night. 

 Image result for battle of endor bunker

Used this crew for the Empire forces.

Imperial Officer
Shoot: d12
Close Combat: d8
Ranged Fighter: You have a d12 when it comes to Shoot actions, but a d8 for Close Combat.
Deadeye: +1 to Shoot rolls.
Leader: Leaders of a crew receive this Trait for free. They give a +1 to the die roll to any model attempting to make a roll to recover from being Shaken or Wounded. The model must be within 12” and within line of sight (not blocked by terrain) of the Leader to give this “encouragement”.
Steady: You ignore Shock and Wounds penalties when Shooting.
Blaster Pistol - 6/12“ Inaccurate, -1 to Shoot +1 to Wound

Shoot: d8
Close Combat: d8
Coolheaded: +1 to all Shaken recovery rolls
Blaster Rifle - 12/24” Inaccurate, -1 to Shoot +1 to Wound

Horde: Your Specialist spot, and all 3 Regular spots are filled by Grunts instead.

Downgrading the Stormtroopers from Regulars to Grunts worked a treat. The Stormtroopers behaved as they did in the film - large number of Stormtroopers whose shooting was atrocious and they went out of action very easily. The game very much played as the film did and all players were happy.


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