Cybernetic Eyes

A mission came down from those higher ups in the corporation. A new project needed some cybernetic eyes and didn't want to pay for them.

The Mission

Our Splicer did her cyber magic and managed to identify a location where some crates of cybernetic eyes were being stored.

Warehouse District in New Kowloon

The crew got lucky. A shipment was being delivered and our intel showed that there were crates in the two nearby locked warehouses.

The crew deployed. Our Ronin and Razor moved to obtain the crate in the truck. The Splicer used the local network to override the security system and unlock the doors in one of the warehouses. The Sawbones moved towards the other warehouse.

D6 Gangers arrive on the scene

Sticking to the shadows, the Ronin shot at the recently deployed H-SEC gangers. The Razor managed to retrieve the crate from the truck.

Elsewhere, the Sawbones managed to hack the security systems on the second warehouse. The Splicer grabbed another crate and headed towards the exit point.

As more H-SEC deployed, the crew started to get into firefights. Our Razor caught exposed in the middle of the street.

Our Splicer got caught in the open too! Fortunately, Gangers proved to be poor shots!

With three crates of cybernetic eyes in their possession, the crew headed for the exit point. Things were about to get tense as D8 Corporate Goons arrived.

The Splicer and the Sawbones made it to the exit point with their two crates. This left the Ronin and Razor left behind.

The Ronin managed to take out some of the Gangers and Goons. This created a gap for the Razor to escape. For his efforts, the Ronin suffered a wound.

With just the Ronin left, he became the focal point for the pursuing Gangers and Goons. Due to his wound, the Ronin was down to three actions and no D10. It became a race to get to the exit point.

Using the available cover, the Ronin managed to make it to the exit point.

The mission was a total success, with the crew delivering the required cybernetic eyes to the project team.


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