Mission 1: Escort

Having proved their worth, the pact has been tasked with bringing a witness of a recent attack to the nearest town.

The aim was to escort the witness from one corner of the table to the diagonally opposite corner. Not having and stats for the witness, we defined him as a D6, so had a free move and a D6 action.

Turn 1
The pact moved, with the bulk of the group protecting Derek (the witness). Our tracker ran on ahead to check out the lane.

Two sets of D6 zombies deployed at the same spawn point and advanced down the lane.

Derek admires a fallen statue
Turn 2
Legolan the Tracker spent his actions firing arrows at the advancing zombies. Our Tracker hireling joined in and succeed in dropping two zombies.

At the end of the turn, zombies deployed near to Derek and on the other side of the table near to Legolan.

Turn 3
Legolan used his three actions to shoot at the advancing zombies, scoring one hit with the use of 'Homing Shot'.

As the zombies activated, one advanced and attacked Legolan, succeeding in inflicting a hit.

Turn 4
Despite being injured, Legolan and the D8 Tracker fired off arrows, taking out the approaching zombies. Elsewhere, Gandwarf cast some spells to eliminate the zombies near Derek.

Turn 5
Legolan, Gimmi and the D8 Tracker occupied the lane, picking off zombies with arrows. They were so successful, they managed to remove all the enemies off the table.

Things were about to change.

At the end of turn 5, skeleton warriors and zombies deployed at spawn point 4. This spawn 4 point was in the middle of the table and free move away from Legolan, Gimmi and the D8 Tracker.
In the resulting melee, the D8 Tracker was killed by some skeletons and zombies. Yet again, Legolan found himself surrounded by the enemy.
Gimmi managed to defend himself in combat.

Turn 6
Seeing Gimmi in trouble. Our Alchemist (Freddo the Halfling) ran up to Gimmi and handed him an invisibility potion, before running off after Derek.

Gimmi imbibed the potion and promptly turned invisible and ran off, leaving a bemused skeleton warrior in his wake.

The D8 Blades ran down the path to help out Legolan. Alas, he fell in battle fighting the zombie hoard.

We did think about using Gandwarf to cast a flight spell on Legolan and have the Elf fly away from the Zombies. Ultimately, we decided to give the zombies their free attack for disengaging out of melee, and we decided against it.

Turn 7
At the end of the previous turn (6), more skeletons and zombies deployed at the spawn point nearest to Derek, and our witness found himself surrounded.

It was time for Gandwarf to step up. A repeated casting of "Mage Bolt" eliminated the zombies surrounding Derek, who used his turn to exit the table.

When Derek exited, poor old Legolan was the last pact member left on the table.

A very different type of game to the previous one. The tension slowly increased as the game progressed. It helped that we defined Derek as a D6, so we couldn't do a mad dash across the table.

Gandwarf and Freddo again proved their worth to the pact. Legolan and Gimmi less so. We really need to avoid melee combat with Legolan (and trackers in general!).

Body count was as follows:
  • Gandwarf 10 kills for 30 Silver
  • Freddo 7 kills for 21 Silver
  • Legolan 6 kills for 18 Silver 
  • Gimmi 1 kill for 3 Silver
Gandwarf successfully cast 7 spells and Freddo used 5 potions/grenadoes.

The pact recovered 'Dolverts Blunderbuss' and Gandwarf took ownership of it. Two tokens were recovered and distributed amongst the pact.

Finally, the pact recruited four additional D10 trackers for the next mission.


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