EC3D IGNIS QUADRANT Bounty hunters

More designs by EC3D and printed by 3DKingdoms. These are billed as a set of 'Bounty Hunters' and they wouldn't look out of place in Star Wars.

I was really happy with the paint jobs I had done on these. I varnished them with matt varnish on the hottest day in the UK (so far). So, imagine my surprise and disgust the following day when I discovered that the varnish had turned snowy. As it had been a hot and dry day when I varnished, I can only think that my varnish had reached the end of it's life.

So I tried the usual trick of applying Satin or Gloss varnish and wait and see whether that would fix it.

For the most part it worked, but there's still places where I can spot that the original varnish had gone snowy and that's ruined my joy at the original paint jobs.


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